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Music Stuff I Made

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Wonderbread from Pornography, Racism, and Fake News


New EP Out Now!!

Just posted my new ep, Breakout!

rip old layout

If you are reading this, welcome to the new and improved computerguts music hub! The ui has just been updated and tweaked to make everything a lot nicer to view and interract with. rest in piss old layout

Original Music


Pornography, Racism, and Fake News

bean stew


Release Date: August 8, 2024
Here are some songs I made after figuring out how to sample things. Features the first song I made in a new software(FL Studio). Hope you guys like the songs! :)

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Weekend Luvr | Drowned in Milk | Weekend Luvr(Beta Mix)

Pornography, Racism, and Fake News

Release Date: May 1, 2024

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Beforverture (Main Titles) | Kinetic Impurity | Wonderbread | Gun | Lemon Wrapped Round A Large Gold Brick | Endverture (End Titles)

bean stew

Release Date: Oct 16, 2023

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134° | lost in a shopping mall | FLOW3R FI3LDS | Fridge Drawing | Battery Powered Rodeo | FLOW3R FI3LDS - Synth Mix | 134° - Beta Mix


I Caught the Flu

I Caught the Flu

Release Date: Oct 16, 2023

In 2023, I had the worst flu known to man on the week of my birthday. Couldnt have cake or anything on the day of my birthday cuz i couldnt hold down any food. Never get a stomach flu, its awful. Anyways I had to stay home for a week and in that time all I did was beat up children in Splatoon 2 and make this.

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it's a single song what to you want me to put here


When I'm bored I like to bully .mp3 files. This is that


the greatest breakcore ep known to man

the greatest breakcore ep known to man

Release Date: Sep 11, 2023
this is the worst thing i've ever released

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lolicore | killing and maiming | in the name of the father, the son, and the holy spirit, amen(break)


Release Date: Aug 4, 2023
i like my men like i like my hitclips audio files. crunchy and one minute in length

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hit the clip clip | hitty clippy